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There is nothing quite like the moments before an animal returns to the wild – both for the animal and the rescuers who made it possible. Oceanic Preservation Society recently reported the happy release of a rough-toothed dolphin who was found stranded on the coast of Heisha Bay, southern China, several months ago. “Jiang Jiang”, the lucky dolphin in question, had to spend some time away from the ocean and go through a recovery before this great day – but it was all worth the wait!

The dolphin was found stranded on the coast of Heisha Bay in Jiangmen City on May 3, 2017. Upon receiving reports of the stranding, police contacted the Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve for help with the animal. Jiang Jiang was carried by the rescuers onto a transfer container designated especially for dolphin rescue. Once saved from the land, it was clear that the dolphin would need treatment – which, in the end, took two months.

Jiang Jiang was released on July 20, 2017, in Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong Province!



Thanks to the rescuers and the priceless time the dolphin spent recovering from the unfortunate stranding, this beautiful animal can now once more enjoy life in the wild – the only suitable life for a dolphin.

The phenomenon of whale and dolphin strandings is still not entirely explained by scientific information. It is not easy to determine why strandings happen, since there is no single cause for their occurrence. Among the studied causes of particular cases of strandings, are viral epidemics, impacts of military sonar, and impacts of bycatch in fishing gear. Some scientists have likened stranding events to being in a car crash for the animals, so there is a lot of physical and emotional pain involved in these cases. Knowing this, we are so pleased that the rescue team was able to help the dolphin and is doing the right thing by letting the animal return to the wild!

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Image source: Oceanic Preservation Society/Instagram