YOU can get involved in an annual initiative to aid conservation of whales and dolphins.

The National Whale and Dolphin Watch is organised every year by the Sea Watch Foundation and gives volunteers the chance to make a real difference to preserving these marine creatures.

This year’s event runs from Saturday, July 23 until Sunday, July 31.

Sea Watch Foundation observers and volunteers have been cataloguing whale and dolphin sightings for four decades, with the National Whale and Dolphin Watch becoming the focus of their efforts for the last 14 years.

British shorelines play host to numerous cetacean visitors from all over the world, with 29 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises spotted around the UK and Ireland.

Some species, like the bottlenose dolphin, tend to appear in particular locations whilst others, such as the minke whale and harbour porpoise, are widespread around the country.

“Many people don’t realise the wealth of whales and dolphins we have around our coasts,” said Kathy James, sightings officer for the Sea Watch Foundation.

“You don’t need to go abroad to go whale watching or to have a dolphin experience.

“We’ve recently seen an usually high number of humpback whale sightings around the UK, for example, and we have some amazing dolphin-spotting locations.”

The foundation has urged residents to organise their own watch events throughout the course of the study.

Kathy added: “Even if you think that your nearest coastline is uneventful in terms of cetaceans, it’s highly likely that there will be some out there – you just need to spend the time looking.

“And even if you don’t see anything during a watch, that information is just as valuable to us.”

So far, only one watch event has been organised in Dorset and is set to take place in Kimmeridge.

Kathy said: “Last year, there were only two hours of watches in the county and we know that the more time that is spent looking, the more animals are likely to be seen.

“Neighbouring South Devon actually had the highest sightings rate in the whole of the UK so we believe that with more watches, Dorset could experience many more sightings too.”

To find out more about the National Whale and Dolphin Watch, visit and to set up your own event, visit


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