US News

Second whale this year dies at SeaWorld

A pilot whale named Fredi died at SeaWorld Orlando this weekend, the second whale to perish at the theme park since January.

The marine mammal had been part of a mass stranding of 23 whales near Cudjoe Key in 2011 and was one of eight rescued by SeaWorld and suffered from “persistent health concerns” since, the company said in a release Sunday.

“In recent months, she had been showing signs of fatigue and loss of appetite,” SeaWorld said, adding that Fredi was being treated for an infection at the time of her death Saturday.

“She inspired millions of guests and her care team, and she will be deeply missed.”

After being rescued, Fredi stayed at the park because the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration ruled she couldn’t be released back into the wild. SeaWorld Orlando still houses three other pilot whales, Ava, Ace and Piper, who were also rescued after being stranded.

Fredi’s death is the second at the park this year. A 30-year-old orca named Kayla died unexpectedly in January of unknown causes.

The company’s attendance has been on the rise since last year, after years of sinking numbers due in part to the anti-whale captivity documentary “Blackfish,” The Orlando Sentinel reported.