Stunning drone footage captures right whales

Stunning drone footage  has emerged following a University of Otago expedition to measure the status of right whales, which breed mainly off Port Ross, in the Auckland Islands.

Several clips released by the university this evening show a social side to the whales, including  one of a mother whale apparently soothing her calf by stroking it with her fins:

In another, the whales show their inquisitive side, investigating a small boat carrying two members of the subantarctic expedition:

Expedition leader Prof Steve Dawson said last week a drone fitted with a laser (Lidar system) was used to measure altitude from the whale.

``Because of this we can measure the size and shape of right whales photographed from above.''

It was the first time drones had been fitted with Lidar systems to measure whales, he said.

``Unlike other marine studies where you can take animals out and measure them, you can't with whales."

The drone was flown 136 times, recording 57 individuals and 50 mothers and calves, he said. 

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