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Toxic Algae Has Been Found At This Toronto Beach

Blue-green algae has been found in Humber Bay and Mimico Creek.
Toxic Algae Has Been Found At This Toronto Beach

Toronto Public health is warning residents after toxic blue-green algae was found in some waterways. 

The presence of the toxic algae was confirmed at Mimico Creek and Humber Bay Park East and now Public Health is warning residents to stay away. 

NEWS RELEASE: Toronto Public Health issues warning concerning blue-green algae blooms in Humber Bay East. More info:

17 July 2018

According to Public Health, water samples tested recently by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks confirmed that the dangerous algae is blooming in both the mouth of Mimico Creek and Humber Bay. 

Blue-green algae can produce toxins that are dangerous to not only humans but also animals if they come into contact with or ingest the contaminated water. 

Some of the effects caused the toxins are headaches, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and skin rashes.

According to the Public Health if you think you have come into contact with the contaminated water it is important to wash off with clean water as soon as possible and contact a doctor if they start to experience any of those symptoms. 

They are now warning residents to keep themselves and their pets away from both of those waterways. The city is also reminding residents that beaches in this area aren't regularly tested for water quality and are not monitored by lifeguards. 

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