Dolphin brains show signs of Alzheimer's Disease

The researchers opined that because of alterations in how the hormone insulin works in dolphin species that live long after reproductive capability, ...
If dealing with the ravages of Alzheimer's in humans wasn't enough, the neural disease has now shown up in dolphins, marking the first time it's been ...
Alzheimer's Disease—one of the worst-feared side effects of human ageing—is near-unique to humans and it is unusual to find signs of it in animals.
Tell-tale signs of Alzheimer's disease have been discovered in dolphins — the first time that clear evidence of the condition has been found in a wild ...
It turns out wild dolphins may as well. New research, published (paywall) in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia late in Sept. 2017, found that three ...
Dolphins, known for their extreme intelligence, have been found to develop Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study from Oxford University ...
'It was a moment of serendipity when I heard Simon give a talk about the possibility that dolphins might be predicted to get dementia, as our ...
Study suggests Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 diabetes might both be the price of a longer lifespan, with altered insulin function the common cause.

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