'Puff, puff, pass': How WA's dolphins using blowfish to get high

Here's the blow by blow: According to WAToday, researchers from Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, have recorded dolphins puffing on puffers ...
The dolphins have even been caught by researchers passing blowfish ... Just last month she saw the dolphin swimming belly-up and repeatedly ...
There's a new reason why the blowfish's name is so appropriate – dolphins are using them deliberately to get high. Researchers found that blowfish ...
Scientists in Australia have observed groups of dolphins sharing around a blowfish and getting out of their skulls on the toxins they produce.
Scientists believe West Australian dolphins may be using blowfish to get high. Dude, when I said I wanted to cop blow, I wasn't thinking fish.
Young dolphins in Western Australia like to pass around blowfish — probably to get high, according to new research. Krista Nicholson, a researcher at ...
A BBC documentary, Dolphins - Spy in the Pod, filmed them chewing on a blowie and "passing the puffer fish around", she said. According to the ...
She had observed dolphins in the South West using other items such as seagrass or crabs to play with, so it was possible their treatment of blowies ...
Dolphins have been caught on camera by researchers taking part in a little recreational drug use. The dolphins were even seen passing the stuff ...
A researcher with Murdoch University (MU) has written about new observations of dolphins playing with blowfish off Western Australia and discussed ...
Forget about weed for a minute. Have you ever puffed on a blowfish? Well, don't. The tetrodotoxin will probably kill you. For thrill-seeking dolphins, ...
Scientists in Australia have found local juvenile dolphins may be using blowfish to get high. Researchers have observed the youngsters gently ...
Australian dolphins may be chewing on blowfish to get high. The dolphins have even been caught by researchers passing blowfish around to share ...
In what can only described as a dolphin youngsters doing the 'puff, puff, pass', West Australian dolphins may be using blowfish - or 'blowies' - to get ...

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